Assignment 2 - Task 1

Assignment 2


By clicking on the crop tool on the tool bar you can select a section of the image you want to select.

The crop tool allows you to take a section of an image and cut out the section that you have highlighted.

Below you can see the section of the image that I have cropped out.


From this picture I have used the smudge tool which allows me to blend in the pot at the bottom as it was very uneven and after final adjustments in my photo It was un noticeable. I also smudged the top of the pot to blend in the sharpness of the image.


To be able to create an image that needs an image on top can be created using different layers. To the right there is a colour gradient background which is made as you only need to select two colours and drag the mouse.

Below there is a picture of the toolbar and to create a new layer you click on the second icon from the right.

The final image i created from using different layers can be seen below.


This image I had taken with the digital camera shows a wine bottle with two wine glasses. This image isn’t really useful to me unless it is flipped.

By clicking on image, then rotate canvas 90CW the image is flipped around and lets me work more easily now.


Select the area you want the colours to invert with a selection tool. On the galaxty chocolate bar i have selected th 'Galaxy' to invert.

Right click on the circular icon at the bottom and click on invert to change the selected part of the picture.


On the tool bar search for a water drop which is the default tool blur. Right click on this icon and then click on sharpen and this will change your tool to let you sharpen up the image slightly.

At the top of the page there is also a brush tool options for sharpening the image. You can change the mode from normal to others if you want to change the sensitivity of the book.

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Task 1C

To complete the tasks needed for my assignment I used the program from Adobe called Adobe Photoshop CS5. This software package is very good as it enables me to manipulate images and create a professional looking logo for my off-license. The software package ranges around £300.00 and is well worth its value. 

I could have used different packages such as Sumo-Paint which is a free on-line photo editing package or GIMP 2.0 which is another free photo editing software package. These two are excellent choices, but I decided that I would try to keep all of my images within the same package. Paint and Microsoft Word could also have been alternatives to complete my assignment but I felt that Photoshop was the best choice.

Overall for my images I found that I could use the software package Adobe Photoshop Cs5 easily because I have designed logo's for personal use before but never for Digital Graphics

The file type that I will be saving my images in will be on a JPEG because JPEG files don't take up a lot of room on my computer, yet the image will still be in a high quality. I could also have chosen a PNG file type, which also shows the image in a high quality which I will demonstrate.


 The first image is a JPEG and the second image is a PNG format. The difference that can be made from the resolution from each of the images shown above are very similar. They both look the same to other students who have looked at both images. Overall the difference which can be seen is very small. In relation to file formats most people are used with JPEG. If I was to choose betweent the two images

Below you can see how the different file sizes can be seen from the folder compressed image which I had saved in a folder call compressed image. In this folder consisted of different file formats with the same image in each, except i saved them in a different file type each time. From this simple test I was able to determine which file type I will be using for my three images I have created with Photoshop Cs5

Task 2

 Image 001

 For my first image i was told that the image was very well presented as it was well laid out and not very cluttered and hard to see what  was being presented or the message which was trying to be brought out. I also found out from this image the the weaknesses where that the galaxy bar that was in the bottom right was a but random and had no purpose. I also found out from my client that the text logo which I had created was clear as it stands out against the white background table cloth. Overall from my strengths and weaknesses i could have room to improve for my client.

For my first image I had also found out that the quality of the images i had created where of a high standard to the client. The feedback I had received showed how they where impressed with the file type i had chosen to save the image in, which was a JPEG. From my quick test I had carried out earlier to see which file type I should saved my images in proved to be worth while when the client was happy.

From the clients feedback I had received I found out how the suitability of purpose was strong as they thought that the pot of gravy was helpful as it helped to show how the wine mark can help to show how alcohol can be used with meals and not just all to do with cheap offers for binge drinking.

I had also found out the use of typography and images was strong for my first image that I had shown to my clients as the colour I had chosen to use stands out against the white table cloth which was used as a prop. The client also really liked the wine glass which I had taken a photograph of as it helped to promote the wine mark.

Image 002

From the feedback I received from my client I can see how the strengths and weaknesses of my image effect the final product. Some of the strengths that I received was the plain background which I had included in my final image. I also found that from my image how the crackers where a nice touch as they helped to bring the image to life with the layers that where used. I also found out that a weakness was how plain the image looked because it would not have been the best choice to just included a bottle, napkin and some crackers to help promote an off license.

From the feedback I recieved I could also see how the quality of the image I had created was of a high enough standard for my client. The image above is saved in a JPEG file format which is a file type which doesnt take much room compared to BMP or PNG file types. I also recieved feed back saying the images where well trimmed around them which helped improve the look of my image to make it look as professional as possible.

For my second image I could see how the suitability of the image I had created can be seen to help promote sales in an off license as it has included the bottle of wine in the image as well as a background which will catch the audiences attention as this image is fairly strong. The use of the images included in this poster is to try and show how alcohol can be used during a meal to enjoy. The resolution was also very good as it was not pixilated. The colour depth was also of a high standard.

In my image shown above the use typography and images can be seen to stand against the colour gradient of orange and black. The style of text that I had chosen was also liked by the client as it was a nice style, yet it stands out distinctively. Overall with this image the client liked the text that was used in my image with the stroke effects and add ons I included. The client had also like the images that I had included as they did not make the background cluttered in any way.

Image 003

Based on client feed back, for my third image I had created they really liked the way I had included the lion and designed the label itself for the bottle. The client had also liked the 12.5% alcohol label I had added onto the bottle. I had also found that from the clients feedback how the liked the red and black colour gradient which was the background as it helped to promote the bottle which was scanned in from a magazine. A weakness I had found out was that there was a little bit too much space wasted in the background which I could have added some crackers or napkins to fill it out if necessary.

From the clients feedback I had recieved I could see how the client was happy with this image due to the quality of the image. Of the three images I created, this is the one I feel that is the most powerful to help promote an off license as the definition from the lion helps to grasp attention. The client had also added that they liked the alcohol percentage effect.

Based on the clients feedback I can see how they stated that the suitability of the image was good as the wine bottle stands out in the background from the colour gradient that was added. The suitability of the image is still relevant to the purpose of the image which was to help promote the off license.

The use of typography and imagery from the clients feedback seemed to be very good as they had stated that they really liked the font which was used. They also liked the font of the colour chosen, though they thought it was a bit dark. The client had also really liked the lion which was included on the bottle.

Copyright Legislation

For my three images I had adhered to the copyright legislation as I have not copied anyone's work and the images I have presented have been designed by myself. To make these images I have scanned some images from a magazine which I have then altered to make them my own and some images I have included where taken with a digital camera by setting up props. Therfore for my three images I have understood the copyright legislation and not copied anybody's work.

Task 2B

For my three images I used the scanner to scan in my image. For my first image I had used a galaxy bar which I had used the scanner to import the photo onto Photoshop. The image can be seen below as well with an image I had taken with the digital camera. I combined these two great images together with an other scanned in image which was of a pot of gravy. Over all I was very happy with the outcome of this image as I feel it helped promote the off license.

For my text on my third image I could see how the client was not entirely happy with the text on the image. I then Decided that I was going to then change this by changing effects in the colour gradient. Below you can see my finished version on the right which I decided to add the blue colour into the text which helps to bring it out against the red/black colour gradient.

The outcome of my images I felt where of a high standard and all helped to promote the off license. I feel that the file sizes and formats chosen for the images where all of a high standard. The file sizes where small as they where all saved as a JPEG in comparison to other formats. As you can see the file sizes are not very large only hundreds of Kilo Bytes.

The image below is showing from left to right the dimensions of each of my images starting with image one on the left and working its way to image 3. The Vertical and horizontal resolution for each image is 72 Dots Per Inch (DPI). This is the same for the bit depth for each of my three images which is 24 for all three images. The pixels will vary per image as the images are all different sizes and will have different specifications.